Prakriti Kusum Natural Medicine Journal
*Return to Nature *Food is Medicine *Water is Life *Eat less live long *Nature is the best Healer *Beauty is the agreement of all parts to a pleasing whole-Pythagoras
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Reflex Mechanism in Vertebro-Visceral relations
Other examples of pure
reflex mechanism are vertebra-visceral or viscera-vertebral relations. In this
type of segmental lesions there are never signs of the true root involvement.
Moreover, the influence of spinal lesions on viscera is largely hypothetical. Whereas
there appears to be more evidence of influence of visceral lesions on mobile
spinal segment (Gutzeit, 1951; Kunert, 1975;Metz, 1976; Schwarz, 1974; Wather, 1963).
Karel Lewit and his collaborators were able to establish something
like “Spinal Pattern” for visceral diseases including Peptic Ulcer(Rychlikova
& Lewit, 1976), Gynecological affections (Lewit et al, 1970; Novotny &
Dvorak, 1972, Novotny, 1973) and Tonsilitis (Lewit & Abrahmovic, 1976).
Sunday, July 8, 2018
Doctor Arrested For Prescribing Costly Medicines
A vigilance director arrested a professor of a medical college for favouring pharma companies by prescribing costly medications to poor patients. The doctor being a nodal officer of state government provided financial assistance to poor patients for treatment by availing OSTF benefits. In spite of cheaper medicines being available, he prescribed the costly ones. Due to this corruption, the state government spent hugely on medicines of the particular company unnecessarily. Even the patients had to suffer as the money sanctioned to them under OSTF was exhausted in the middle of the treatment due to costly medicines prescribed. The doctor was charged for abusing official position, favouring different pharmaceutical companies, cheating and misappropriation of government funds. Source: Times of India
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Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Isoflavonoid and Lignan Phytoestrogens as Dietary Biomarkers by Jahanna w. Lampe
Isoflavones and lignans are biologically active plant-food constituents that have potential chemopreventive properties. Quantitation of isoflavones and lignans in humans is necessary to establish the benefits and risks of exposure to these compounds in populations and to determine which components of a mixed diet contribute to the exposure. Isoflavones and lignans are metabolized by colonic bacteria to more biologically active metabolites; thus both the parent compounds and the metabolites are measured routinely. Isoflavonoids (genistein, daidzein, dihydrodaidzein, O-desmethylangolensin and equol) and lignans (enterolactone, enterodiol, matairesinol and secoisolariciresinol) can be quantified in various body fluids. Typically, high concentrations of isoflavonoids in urine and serum are associated with soy consumption, and high concentrations of lignans are associated primarily with intake of whole grains and other fiber-containing plant foods. Controlled feeding studies and nutritional epidemiologic studies demonstrate a linear dose response between dietary intake and urinary excretion of isoflavones. Lignan excretion is associated positively with dietary fiber intake as well as with diets that are on average higher in fiber and carbohydrate and lower in fat; thus lignans have also been proposed as a marker of healthier dietary patterns. The complex interactions between the colonic environment and the external and internal factors that modulate it contribute to significant variation in serum and urinary phytoestrogen levels among individuals. Understanding these sources of variation is important to be able to use these measures effectively as dietary biomarkers.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
MEDICINAL USE OF GARLIC -Dr.Dhanya C Radhakrishnan, Kerala
Digestive system -
It should be used in low fire, tastelessness, indigestion, constipation,pain, worms and Kapha - Vata diseases due to condensed doshas, being fire stimulant,digestive and analgesic due to paungent and hot qualities. Laxative due to oily and heavy qualities and liver stimulant and wormicidal due to tastes. Should be used in Kapha - Vata piles being laxative, anti-pruritic and anti-spasmodic as it is liver stimulant and removes stasis in the portal circulation. Should not be used in haemorrhoids. Kapha aggravation caused in stomach causes low fire,indigestion and spasm due to Kapha covered samanavayu. Rasona baked with ghee eliminates Kapha and causes onward movement of samana vayu to give relief. Kapha-Vata condensation is eliminated by removing accumulated Kapha and causing Vata onward movement by the use of rasona medicated milk. Rasona medicated buttermilk is used in diarrhea, cholera, sprue and colitis to pacify samana vayu.Water metabolism -Generalised Edema caused by lateral movement of vitiated micro wastes and Kapha by aggravated vyanavayu is eliminated by the use of rasona wich removes vitiated micro wastes and pacifies vyana.
Circulatory system-It stimulates Heart and circulation due to its hot and penetrating qualities and eliminates edema. It pacifies Vata and Kapha by its hot and penetrating qualities and helps nourishment of heart and increases its strength.
Hypertension - Accumulation of vitiated meda and Kapha in the vascular walls is cleared by rasona and thus, it reduces blood pressure by reducing periheral resistance. It digests meda also.
Arteriosclerosis & Cholesterol -Numerous clinical trials have shown garlic to be good for your heart by lowering total cholesterol and blood pressure. Garlic has the ability to combat plaque formation in the arteries. Its ability to lower serum cholesterol in the blood can in turn reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Garlic lowers total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (the Bad cholesterol) and triglycerides. Garlic can not only prevent, but also reverse the signs of arteriosclerosis.
Respiratory system -It should be used in cough, asthma, hoarseness of voice,rhinitis,tuberculosis and hiccups to cause Kapha liquefaction and expectoration by its oily,penetrating qualities. The oil prevents the growth of tuberculosis bacteria. Medicated milk should be used in Chest trauma (INTERNAL/EXTERNAL) to heal the cavity. Rasona causes prana onward movement and pacification in Vata-Kapha diseases of the chest. Rasona and pippali gives immediate relief in rhinitis associated with tuberculosis. It should be used as diet and a garland made of it be worn by children to pacify dormant Kapha present in the chest.
Circulatory system-It stimulates Heart and circulation due to its hot and penetrating qualities and eliminates edema. It pacifies Vata and Kapha by its hot and penetrating qualities and helps nourishment of heart and increases its strength.
Hypertension - Accumulation of vitiated meda and Kapha in the vascular walls is cleared by rasona and thus, it reduces blood pressure by reducing periheral resistance. It digests meda also.
Arteriosclerosis & Cholesterol -Numerous clinical trials have shown garlic to be good for your heart by lowering total cholesterol and blood pressure. Garlic has the ability to combat plaque formation in the arteries. Its ability to lower serum cholesterol in the blood can in turn reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Garlic lowers total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (the Bad cholesterol) and triglycerides. Garlic can not only prevent, but also reverse the signs of arteriosclerosisRheumatoid arthritis -It digests ama circulating in the body and lodging in the joints. It pacifies vyanavayu and removes joint edema and pain. Digstion of rasa penetrated ama reduces fever also.
Sciatica and similar diseases -
In these diseases initially apana onward movement is carried out by dissolution of Kapha by its pungent taste and hot and penetrating qualities and lateron apana is pacifed by hot and penetrating qualities. However, it should not be used in Pitta covered apana.
Skin disease -
It should be used in kilasa, vicharchika, shvitra, it causes Digestion of skin penetrated vitiated Kapha and pacifies vyanavayu. Complexion improvement - Bluish black pigmeatation appearing on the face due to obstruction of channels caused by Kapha to the movement of udana is cleared by its juice given with ghee. It gives strength to bhrajakapitta also.
Nervous sytem -
Vata diseases - It removes obstruction of channels by its hot and penetrating qualities and causes onward movement and pacification of pranavayu and nourish it. Hence, used in bell's palsy, paralysis, monoplegia etc.
Hysteria, Epilepsy - These are caused by weakness of intellect and memory. Causative tamas is removed by rasona which should be ingested with Seasame oil.
Coma - Its juice be given to arouse the patient by removing Kapha cover and causing vyan onward movement.
Convulsions - They are produced by excitation of vyana. To pacify, its juice should be given. Rasona should be used after breakfast in vyana diseases.
Sciatica and similar diseases -In these diseases initially apana onward movement is carried out by dissolution of Kapha by its pungent taste and hot and penetrating qualities and lateron apana is pacifed by hot and penetrating qualities. However, it should not be used in Pitta covered apana.
Skin disease - It should be used in kilasa, vicharchika, shvitra, it causes Digestion of skin penetrated vitiated Kapha and pacifies vyanavayu. Complexion improvement - Bluish black pigmeatation appearing on the face due to obstruction of channels caused by Kapha to the movement of udana is cleared by its juice given with ghee. It gives strength to bhrajakapitta also.
Nervous sytem -Vata diseases - It removes obstruction of channels by its hot and penetrating qualities and causes onward movement and pacification of pranavayu and nourish it. Hence, used in bell's palsy, paralysis, monoplegia etc.Hysteria, Epilepsy - These are caused by weakness of intellect and memory. Causative tamas is removed by rasona which should be ingested with Seasame oil.Coma - Its juice be given to arouse the patient by removing Kapha cover and causing vyan onward movement.Convulsions - They are produced by excitation of vyana. To pacify, its juice should be given. Rasona should be used after breakfast in vyana diseases.
Sciatica and similar diseases -In these diseases initially apana onward movement is carried out by dissolution of Kapha by its pungent taste and hot and penetrating qualities and lateron apana is pacifed by hot and penetrating qualities. However, it should not be used in Pitta covered apana.
Skin disease - It should be used in kilasa, vicharchika, shvitra, it causes Digestion of skin penetrated vitiated Kapha and pacifies vyanavayu. Complexion improvement - Bluish black pigmeatation appearing on the face due to obstruction of channels caused by Kapha to the movement of udana is cleared by its juice given with ghee. It gives strength to bhrajakapitta also.
Nervous sytem -Vata diseases - It removes obstruction of channels by its hot and penetrating qualities and causes onward movement and pacification of pranavayu and nourish it. Hence, used in bell's palsy, paralysis, monoplegia etc.Hysteria, Epilepsy - These are caused by weakness of intellect and memory. Causative tamas is removed by rasona which should be ingested with Seasame oil.Coma - Its juice be given to arouse the patient by removing Kapha cover and causing vyan onward movement.Convulsions - They are produced by excitation of vyana. To pacify, its juice should be given. Rasona should be used after breakfast in vyana diseases.
Reproductive system -It should be used as shukra producing as it causes shukra aggravation by its oily, sticky and heavy qualities and prevents premature ejaculation by pacifying vyanavayu. Its hot and penetrating qualities dialate decidual blood vessels and hence it should be used in dysmenorrhea as menstrual stimulator.
Urinary system -Should be used in Vata dysuria as diuretic and as antispasmodic as it acts as diuretic by stimulating kidney function by its hot and penetrating qualities and by pacifying Vata.
Nutrition and Oja aggravating -
It eliminates strength & oja depletion by causing shukra and oja aggravation and pacifies Vata.
Nutrition and Oja aggravating - It eliminates strength & oja depletion by causing shukra and oja aggravation and pacifies Vata.
Nutrition and Oja aggravating - It eliminates strength & oja depletion by causing shukra and oja aggravation and pacifies Vata.
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