Thursday, February 26, 2009

Music as a spiritual 'sadhana'

Music is more than entertainment; it is also blissful spiritual sadhana or practice. Guru Nanak and other spiritual gurus and seekers have

Music as a spiritual 'sadhana' (Getty images)
expressed their devotion to God through singing songs, often to the accompaniment of musical instruments.

Music performed in places of worship and in private or public gatherings anywhere could be very different in content and style. However, an accomplished musician is one who loses himself in the music, becoming one with the music. This kind of self-negation or absence of ego is believed to be the mark of the truly evolved musician for whom there is no difference between the inspiration and the music.

Good music uplifts; it is a kind of spiritual sadhana. Delving deep within, the evolved musician transports listeners to another realm, and the experience is like that of transforming prayer. Music is then an offering, a thanksgiving.

Through the ages, music has served as one of the portals of spiritual enlightenment. Joseph Addison said: "Music, the greatest good that mortals know, and all of heaven we have here below". According to eastern spiritual traditions, the soul separated from the supreme beloved pines for a reunion. The soul's agony has often been expressed in spontaneous poetry set to music. The original composers as well as devout seekers who sang those compositions lost themselves in the rhythmic expressions of love and devotion.

It was not only sufi 'derveshs' who danced to the rhythm of music, but also saints like Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Sur Das and Mira Bai who sang their hearts out to win the beloved's love. At dargahs like Ajmer Sharif, devout qawalls soulfully seek benediction of the Gharib Nawaz. It is often through music that a saint relates his mystical experience. It is difficult to imagine expression of devotion at hallowed places like the Golden Temple without the timeless aid of music, the universal language.

The musician Tansen, one of the navratans or nine jewels in Mughal emperor Akbar's court, was so talented and popular that there are several legends and fables about his music. When he sang the raga malhar , it is said that clouds would get heavy with rain. When he sang the deepak raga , earthen lamps would begin to glow with light.

Akbar one day expressed a desire to meet Tansen's guru and hear him sing. Tansen said to Akbar: "My guru, Swami Haridas, will not come to your court. He is not employed by you like I am. He lives in a hut in the jungle. He sings only when he feels like; so no one can command him to sing." "If he will not come, we will go to meet him" said Akbar.

When Akbar and Tansen reached Swami Haridas's home, they found him sitting outside, silent, with his musical instruments beside him. Tansen requested Akbar to wait while he himself started singing. After a while, he deliberately made a mistake, at which Swami Haridas said benignly, "Don't sing like this, Tansen." Then Swami Haridas began to sing, casting a magic spell all around. Akbar was in a trance, transported to a state of spiritual bliss, broken only by the cessation of the melody. The emperor left for his palace but the song haunted him throughout the journey.

Akbar asked Tansen: "Why don't you sing as well as Haridas does?" Tansen folded his hands and said, "Your Lordship! Between Guru Haridas and me there is a vast difference. I sing for my king while he sings for the Lord of the universe. He is a musician of a much higher court." On hearing this profound truth, Akbar fell silent.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Glaucoma. Just one serving a month of kale or collard greens or more than two servings of carrots a week reduced the risk of glaucoma by more than 60 percent in a UCLA study of 1,000 women. Scientists believe that high levels of vitamin A and other antioxidants in these veggies help protect crucial cells in the optic nerve.

Cataracts. Adults who regularly drink orange juice and also include C-rich foods such as red and green bell peppers, tomatoes, and broccoli in their daily diet are 45 percent less likely to develop cataracts, according to new research from Australia. Vitamin C may help counteract the lens-clouding effects of light and heat.

Macular degeneration. Eating oatmeal, high-fiber cereals, and whole-grain breads cuts the risk of macular degeneration by about 39 percent, shows a recent study. Complex carbs prevent blood sugar swings that can damage delicate cells in the center of the retina.
From Reader's Digest -

Friday, February 6, 2009

Hepatitis C virus itself kills liver cells

6 Feb 2009, 1855 hrs IST, ANI

WASHINGTON: While liver disease in hepatitis C patients is thought to be caused by the immune system's attack on the cells in the infected organ,
University of Alberta researchers report finding that the virus behind the disease itself kills liver cells.

Michael Joyce, who led the study, has revealed that his team transplanted human liver cells into mice, which lack an adaptive immune system.

He said that the team later infected the transplanted cells with the hepatitis C virus.

He and his colleagues found the virus damaging liver cells itself, and thereby causing them to die.

The researchers also found that hepatitis C causes inflammation, which is the second step in liver disease.

Joyce said that his team's finding shed new light on the virus, and gave more targets for therapy.

His study has been reported in the journal PLoS Pathogens.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Why some alcoholics are more severe drinkers

5 Feb 2009, 1643 hrs IST, ANI

WASHINGTON: Scientists have found evidence that a gene called SLC6A4, can explain why some alcoholics are more severe drinkers than others.

The researchers from the University of Virginia Health System found that serotonin transporter gene, SLC6A4, plays a significant role in influencing drinking intensity among alcohol-dependent individuals.

In the study, the investigators analyzed the associations between six different DNA sequence variations, or single nucleotide polymorphisms, of the serotonin transporter gene with the levels of drinking intensity among 275 alcohol-dependent individuals seeking treatment.

Drinking intensity is measured by the amount a person consumes each day he or she drinks.

"Of the six variants examined in the study, we found that one variant at the 3' end of the gene showed a significant association with drinking intensity. Specifically, we found that individuals with the 'G' allele of this variant drink less than individuals with the 'T' allele," said study co-author Ming D. Li, Ph.D., professor of psychiatry and neurobehavioral sciences in the UVA School of Medicine.

In earlier studies, it was observed that the neurochemical serotonin mediates the rewarding effects of alcohol and, therefore, may be a key contributor leading to alcohol abuse.

Studies also show that the brain's serotonin system plays an important role in alcohol preference and consumption.

"Acute drinking increases serotonin release and signaling in brain regions involved in controlling consumption of alcohol. But chronic drinking reduces serotonergic function, leading to a serotonin-deficient state. One hypothesis is that alcoholics drink to alleviate this serotonin-deficient state," explained study co-author Professor Bankole Johnson, D.Sc., M.D., Ph.D., M.Phil.

He added: "But it's important to remember that alcoholics differ significantly in their drinking patterns, social backgrounds and disease etiology," says Johnson. "All of these factors may affect both treatment outcomes and medical complications resulting from heavy drinking."

He noted that one of the main goals of treatment is to reduce the intensity of drinking.

"A known genetic marker could be used to sub-type alcoholics and better determine treatment methods that can target specific underlying molecular mechanisms. We hope to determine whether this particular genetic variant can be used as a marker to predict treatment outcomes for different serotonin agents," said Johnson.

The study is published in the latest issue of Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research

Monday, February 2, 2009

Concept of Traditional Medicine in Islam

Traditional Medicine

We say, and Allah is the helper Who provides the means and controls the actions, that there are two types of illnesses stated in the holy Qur’an: 1. Illness of the hearts and, 2. Illness of the body. As for the illness of the heart, it comprises two types, the first is suspicion and doubt, and the second desire, allurement and sin. In that regard, Allah, the glorious and magnificent, says: ? Their hearts are sick, and Allah has caused their sickness to intensify ¤ (Qur’an 2:10). He also says: ? Those whose hearts are sick and the unbelievers say: What does God mean with this parable?¤ (Qur’an 74:31) He, the most magnificent then says concerning those who refuse to accept the criterion of the Qur’an and the prophetic traditions: ? When they are invited to Allah and to His Messenger to judge between them, a group of them will object, though if they were right, they would walk to him flagrantly. Are they sick at heart or do they have doubt, or do they fear that Allah and His Messenger will defraud them? Nay, but such are the unjust ones ¤ (Qur’an 24:48).

This is the sickness of doubt and suspicion. As for the sickness of desire, allurement and wantonness, this is the sin of adultery. Admonishing the believers, Allah, the magnificent and most exalted, addresses the wives of His Prophet h who had to serve and attend the needs of the ever growing number of people visiting and soliciting the advice of His Prophet h, saying: ? O ye consort of the Prophet, you are not like any other women if you heed with piety. Therefore, be not too complaisant of speech lest someone whose heart is sick should be moved with desire ¤ (Qur’an 33:32).

As for the illness of the body, Allah, the magnificent and most exalted, says: ? A blind person is not subject to blame, nor is the lame or the sick ¤ (Qur’an 48:17). He, the Almighty Lord, also mentions physical illness, the health advantages embodied in the pilgrimage, fasting, and the hygienic properties of taking ablution, besides other benefits, to illustrate the practical as well as spiritual wealth that is hidden in the glorious Qur’an for those who read it, act upon it and fathom its mysteries. This will help one to satisfy his utmost needs by pursuing the divine guidance. Such guidance in physical wellness is better defined in pursuing three avenues including: preventive medicine, abstaining from what is harmful and cleansing the body and flushing out pernicious toxins. God Almighty mentions these three principles in the verse of ‘fasting’ saying: ? Fasting is prescribed for a fixed number of days; however, if any of you is ill or traveling, then the prescribed number of days should be made up on later days ¤ (Qur’an 2:184).

Thus, He otherwise permitted the sick to postpone his fast until he recovers from his illness, and for the traveler to temporarily delay the prescribed fast to preserve his strength, because of the strain and movement involved in travel. As for the verse of ‘pilgrimage’, He says: ? If any of you is ill or has an ailment in his scalp (necessitating shaving, he should) in compensation either fast, or feed the poor, or offer sacrifice ¤ (Qur’an 2:196). Here again, God Almighty gives permission for a sick person or someone suffering from a serious itch, dandruff or lice, for example, or from other scalp disease to compensate by shaving the head during the sacrament of Ihrãm, which is otherwise not permitted, to eliminate harmful vapors that would congest over the scalp, hindering the breathing of the pores and perhaps causing infection of follicles. Once he shaves his head, the pores open and such vapors are emitted, allowing a natural cleansing process. Thus, in interpreting Qur’anic verses, and as one may understand from the divine explanations, they provide guidance in handling the lesser illness to help treat the more serious illness, and therefore, a deductive method called qiyãs is developed for purging harmful toxins and other congestions. This method deals with ten areas of the human body when excited, including: the blood when it boils, semen when it abounds, urine, feces, gas, vomit, sneeze, sleep, hunger and thirst. Each one of these ten elements causes an illness when congested and henceforth necessitates purgation.

As for the aspect of dietetic abstinence (himyah), the divine guidance provided in the verse of ‘ablution’ says: ? If you are ill, or on a journey, or if one of you comes from offices of nature, or if you have been in contact with women and find no water for washing your whole body, then use a clean surface (sand or earth) and rub your faces and hands with it, for God blots out sins and forgives again and again ¤ (Qur’an 4:43). In this case, God Almighty permitted a sick person to substitute tayammum for the regular ablution and avoid the use of water when its external use is harmful. Again, this guidance indicates the need for abstinence to alleviate questionable health complications. In such a way, God Almighty instituted the basic principles of medicinal remedies and their constitutions.

In this study, we will also introduce the medical guidance which is instituted by God’s messenger h, upon whom be peace, and surely there is no better way to apply such knowledge than through their guidance. As for the medicine of the hearts, it can only be acquired through God’s prophets, upon all of whom be peace and blessings, and to correct one’s heart and wash it from impurities one must recognize his Creator and Cherisher, His divine Names and attributes, observe His actions, contemplate His wisdom and adopt the criteria He instituted for His creation. Such hearts also must beseech His blessings by consenting to what He commands and loves, and by abstaining from what He forbids and abhors, and one’s heart will know no trueness or experience true life otherwise. Such knowledge can only be learned from the teachings of His messengers, upon all of whom be peace, and thinking otherwise will be completely wrong and unfruitful. Therefore, should one think that he can do oppositely, it means that he merely fosters the health and strength of his animal mind, desire, lust, carnality and wantonness. His life will be meaningless and similar to that of animals, while a true heart of piety is free from such base associations. One who cannot discern the difference between these two types of hearts should cry for his losses, for a true heart is alive, and a heart that is blinded with carnality is dead, and a true heart is filled with light while a dead heart is submerged in the abyss of darkness.

God’s Messenger h, indicated that there are two types of knowledge: (A) Knowledge of religion, and (B) knowledge of the body. The medicine for the illness of the body is also of two types: (1) one which, innate in both human and animal lives, necessitates no diagnosis of a physician to attend to it, such as hunger, thirst, cold and fatigue, and has its own natural remedies and antidotes; and (2) a second type of illness which does require diagnosis and treatment, and affects one’s temperaments and humors, whereby heat, cold, dryness or moisture in the body exceed their natural balance, and the effects of combining any two of them exacerbates discomfort. Such effects produce one of two types of illness, that is, either somatical or collateral. Hence, for example, somatical illness manifests in the form of agitation of the blood or spillage of an element, while the collateral illness manifests as a result of such excess spillage and after the elimination of the original causes. Thus, the illness-causing matters are expelled and the after effects remain to influence one’s temperaments and humors.

A somatical disease carries its own stimulus that arouses further complications. Hence, if the disease carries its own stimulus, one must first diagnose the cause, then the effects, then find the medicine—that is recognizing the disease, then the illness, then prescribing the cure. Somatic diseases manifest in the form of physiological changes, such as a cavity in an organ, narrowing or expanding of ducts, organ deformation (enlarged heart or small stomach for example), rough or soft uterine-wall tissue, dislocated bones or displaced organs as well as other diseases. When organs correlate and operate harmoniously, they form a healthy body, while if they are abnormal, discordant or malfunctioning, they produce the synchronous effects of an illness, some of which are organic and others relate to bodily temperaments and humors.

Common diseases are the result of malfunction of the humors. This intemperament is called ‘illness’. When its harm is felt, it manifests in eight areas: (1) four of them are compound, and (2) the other four are primary. The latter can either be cold, hot, moist or dry and they manifest at the site of the liver. The compound temperaments manifest as hot and moist, cold and moist, hot and dry, and cold and dry. This is caused with or without spillage of a component, and if the disease does not reach further complications and produces mere discomfort, it indicates an unhealthy balance of one’s body.

Thus, the human body sustains: (1) three natural healthy conditions, (2) one abnormal condition, and (3) a mild condition. The natural healthy conditions demonstrate the standard functions and constitution of the human body, otherwise, one is sick, and the third condition known as mild identifies an in-between state that is consented to and is treated by the person as tolerable, without the need for a physician, by taking a simple pain reliever for example. Such an in-between state of “not healthy” and “not sick” can only linger in the same category, for negative does not become positive, but rather remains constant or invariable.

The cause of such body abnormality can either be internal or external. The internal causes manifest because of the four humors: (1) hot, (2) cold, (3) moist, and (4) dry, and as for the external causes, they manifest because of the nutrients one takes in, and those can either be agreeable or disagreeable to the body. Thus, the harm or illness that results thereafter produces such imbalance and discomfort, or could be the result of malfunction of a specific organ, or a general malaise of the body, or even weakness of the spirits that bear the body. This general condition is caused by: (1) increase in passivity of what must be balanced when it does not compensate for losses; or (2) by decrease of needed adjustment of balancing factors of the humors when they do not compensate for saturation; or (3) by the hindering of agents that are supposed to facilitate the flow of balancing factors; or (4) by the linking of agents whose binding interferes with creating the correct balance; or (5) by the acceleration of what should be moderate; or (6) by the deformation of molecules; or (7) by the displacement of an organ. The experienced physician or hakim can identify such disorders and either eliminate the causes that infringed upon the proper constitution of a healthy body, or he maybe able to stabilize them and gradually, with the proper treatment, deal with the disease by using the correct antidote. Hence, the proper diet (himyah), moderating excess and abstinence prove to be the best cure as we shall see later in this study of guidance in natural healing with Tibb medicine of God’s Prophet (uwbp).

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