Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Effect Of Jalandhar Bandh On Blood Pressure

Jalandhar bandha is one of the three important Bandhas which are essentially required to be performed during Kumbhaka in Pranayama। Excessive pressure is developed in the lungs during Kumbhaka which elevates the blood pressure. Hence it is interesting to know the effect of Jalandhar Bandh on the Blood Pressure.This paper aims towards the effect of Jalandhar Bandh practiced properly during the Kumbhaka, on Blood Pressure (Systolic & Diastolic)।

Background:It is observed that the blood pressure increases during the practice of Kumbhaka as there is excessive pressure developed in the lungs during the Kumbhaka। It is also warned strictly in all Yogic Texts to perform all the three Bandhas during Kumbhaka। The position and the description of the Jalandhar Bandha indicates that there is some relation in between increased blood pressure and Jalandhar Bandha. Jalandhar Bandha creates the pressure on the Carotial Sinus which in turn reduces the Blood Pressure. Hence the hypothesis is " Performing the Jalandhar Bandha in the proper way helps to reduce the Blood Pressure.
Subjects: Subjects (21 nos।)were chosen from the Yoga Praveen Class which was being conducted at our center. These subjects were practicing all types of Pranayamas twice every day with all three Bandhas.
The Design:The subjects were asked to sit in Padmasana for one minute and B.P. was measured. They were asked to practice one round of Purak and Kumbhaka with bending the neck and fixing the chin in the jugular notch only. They were asked not to use the proper technique of Jalandhar Bandha i.e. to contract the muscles of the neck. The BP was measured in this position. (Table No.1) Similarly the BP was measured during Kumbhaka but with proper Jalandhar Bandha i.e. by contracting the muscles of the neck from all sides and then bending the neck little forward. (Table No.2).

Results:The extract from the Table No। 1। is as followsThe Jalandhar Bandha is performed with only bending the neck & fixing the chin in the jugular notch।It is observed that the Systolic BP is decreased in 6 subjects, increased in 10 subjects and there was no change in 5 subjects। The Diastolic BP was decreased in 7 subjects, increased in 7 subjects and there was no change

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