Yogacharya Vishwas Mandlik, Dr. Jayant Sohoni and Dr. Ramesh Varkhede
Yoga Vidya Dham, Kaivalya Nagari, Nashik (INDIA).
Yoga, being the process of normalization, is studied since thousands of years. The daily practice of Yoga brings the various unbalanced systems of the body to normal state. Hence we planned to study the effect of Yoga Training Package on heart patients in this experiment.
This paper aims to study the effect of six months of regular practice of a package of selected yogic practices viz. Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation, Yoga Nidra and Omkar Chanting. ( one and half hours per day) on heart patients.
We are teaching Yoga in our institution for the last 22 years including sick persons.
Out of these we have selected 23 Heart Patients for this experiment.
We designed a special course for these heart patients which consisted of simple body movements in yogic style, some stretching Asanas, some types of Pranayamic breathing exercises and initial types of Meditation. We had included the daily practice of Yoga Nidra specially designed for heart patients and Omkar chanting in a particular fashion. The practice was continued for six months daily. The patients were thoroughly checked medically before and after the training and the results were compared.
Results and Discussions
It is observed that the blood pressure and blood cholesterol reduced considerably. It is also observed that the exercise time on stress test increased and number of METS reduced significantly. The patients ecperienced an overall relief of about 90%.
Key words : Heart disease, Yoga, exercise stress test, cholesterol, blood pressure.
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