Sunday, March 9, 2008


This is Crucial juncture in History of Naturopathy when its becoming more popular as Preventive Medicine than full fledged Medical System. In Western world Naturopathy is part and parcel of luxurious life. Specially in India Naturopathy and Yoga has been struggling hard to be recognized as Independent system of Medicine . Recent developments are nothing new for Naturopathy. Unfortunately every year several new organizations are coming up and doing nothing at last. Old Hospitals are getting closed and groups are Spas are coming up everywhere.
Indian Naturopathy and Yoga Graduates Association (INAYGA) has become inactive and disorganized.
Academic Books are not being written since last many decades, Research is nil and there is no regulatory authority or panel to control ,reformulate and update running Naturopathy and Yoga academic courses throughout India. This is a very serious moment for Health seekers, Naturopaths, Policy makers to give strength to Naturopathy and Yoga as ful fledged system of Medicine.
Lets Return to Nature for Healthy and Prosperous life..

Seasons Greetings!

With warm regards!!!!

Dr. Bhaskar K Singh.
Chief Editor.

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