Sunday, June 1, 2008

Facts and Myths about free Radicals.

Few "Free Radicals" donot create any nuisance but in excess may cause major threat to our Immune System and entire metabolic function of the body. Polluted environment, excessive exercise, stress, radiation, smog, Pesticide, Herbicide, Junk food,Ultra-voilet radiation from Sunlight,excessive medication, accumulation of toxins in body,smoking and Alcoholism promote production of free radicals in excess.

As we grow old or whenever cells donot get adequate nutrition, production of natural anti-oxidants gets reduced which in turn helps free radicals to cause damage.


Food nutrients are anti-oxidants. These have ability to release extra Hydrogen Electron to free radicals, thus neutralize them and produce "Stable Molecules". Cu,Zn,Mn,Se, Vit--A,B,C,E and Bioflavinoids help in re-inforcing the chemical reaction of the anti-oxidants against free radicals.

Few Important Bioflavinoids are--
1. Quercetin--Its found in fruits and vegetables and have positive effect in lessening the side effects of Radiation therapy, Diabetic complications and Arrhythmias.

2.Hesperidins--Its found in "Oranges" which increases capillary resistance in patients with capillary fragility,anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

3.Naringin-Its found in "Grapes" protects against Alcoholic ulceration.

4.Promthocyanidin--This is found in Grape seed extract and improves functioning of capillaries.

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