Lineage of Gurus
Babaji-The Saint The Grand Avatar The Grand Saint Guru Paramguruji Maharaj Vishwadhyatmik-Aati-Maha-Param Jagat Sat Guru
Yogiraj LahiriMahasayaParamgurugjï MaharajVishwadhyatmik-Aati-Maha-Param Jagat Sat Guru
Yukteshwar GiriJñãnavatarSwamiShriVishwadhyatmik-Aati-Maha-Param Jagat Sat Guru
Yogananda GiriParamahansa SwamiVishwadhyatmik-Aati-Maha-Param-Jagatguru
Dr.Krisna Kishore Das
Dr. Swami Gitananda GiriYogarishiYogashriYogachariaYogashiromaniKaliug Avatar MaharajVishwadhyatmik-Aati-Maha-Param Jagat Sat Guru
Yogamaharishi Yogashiromani Dr Swami Gitananda Giri Maharaj
Yogamaharishi Dr Swami Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj was born on July 24, 1907, in Maharajganj, northern India, to an Irish Mother and a Sindhi father. His father, Sukraj Bhavanani, was a High Court Advocate in the Patna High Court and an extensive landowner. His mother Leelavathi was converted to Hinduism through the Arya Samaj rites. The Yogamaharishi received his early schooling at home from his mother.
Tragically, his mother died when he was but eight years of age.
When he was ten years, his Guru, the great Siddha and Master, Yogamaharishi Swami Kanakananda Brighu (Ram Gopal Majumdhar) entered his life. For six years, he studied in the Guru Kula of his Master, imbibing not only the traditional education, but also the great mystic sciences of Yoga, Tantra and Yantra. Swamiji often remarked that everything he taught and preached and knew about yoga, he learned only from his Master during that intensive training. When he was sixteen years of age, his Guru sent him to England to study medicine.
After receiving his medical degree, he entered the British Royal Navy to serve as a doctor on board several ships during World War II. He was injured during the war, and used the time recuperating to further his medical education. He migrated to Canada and set up his practice there, also establishing Yoga schools and centres wherever he lived. Pujya Swamiji was one of the pioneers to introduce Yoga to the Western mind in the early 1950'. He was also instrumental in hosting many visiting Yoga Gurus and Swamijis at his centre in Vancouver, Canada. In addition to his busy medical practice, he travelled widely lecturing and teaching. He worked several years for the US Atomic Energy Commission in the United States and also took up assignments for World Health Organisation in South America.
He returned to settle permanently in India in 1967 and established his Ananda Ashram in Pondicherry. He set up the Ananda Ashram in Lawspet, Pondicherry in 1972. In 1975 Srila Shri Shankaragiri Swamigal appointed Dr Swami Gitananda Giri as Madathiapathy of Sri Kambliswamy Madam which was then a dilapidated Samadhi site of around five acres in Thattanchavady near the Lawspet Ashram. Yogamaharishi Dr Swami Gitananda Giri undertook the renovation of the ancient Samadhi site with great enthusiasm and built what was acclaimed as the "Shanti Niketan of South India" and "An Ideal Guru Kula"on the Madam lands.Thus Swamiji who was the representative of the North Indian Brighu lineage also became a representative of the Saiva Siddantha Yoga Tradition of South India. The lineage of Kambliswamy is said to go back to the Rishi Agasthya himself. Gurus of the Kambliswamy Madam tradition include Srila Sri Kambliswamigal, Srila Sri Ambalavana Swamigal, Srila Sri Manikka Swamigal, Srila Sri Shanmuga Swamigal, Srila Sri Velu Swamigal, Srila Sri Subramaniya Swamigal and Srila Sri Shankaragiri Swamigal. He served as Vice President of the all India Association of Maths and Ashrams under the Presidentship of Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Swamigal, the present Shankaracharya of the Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam.
From 1968 until his Samadhi on December 29, 1993, Swamiji offered every year a six month Intensive Residential International Yoga Teachers Training Course in his Pondicherry Ashram from October the 2nd through March 31st . This annual course has been continued uninterrupted to this date. In this intensive 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily schedule, students are instructed in classical Rishiculture Ashtanga (Gitananda) Yoga. Hundreds of Asanas, Kriyas, Mudras, Pranayamas, Raja Yoga practices, Kundalini techniques and higher meditative activities as well as Yoga Theory. Sanskrit and Yoga scriptures are studied in great depth.The Yogamaharishi used to tell his students, "In six months I will give you enough material to occupy you Yoga Sadhana for not only one, but several lifetimes". In addition to this busy teaching schedule, in which every single class was taught by the Yogamaharishi himself, he also edited from 1970, an international English monthly Yoga journal YOGA LIFE.
He wrote twenty-five books on the subject of Yoga and made ten world tours and more than twenty All India tours. He was the Chief Guest for innumerable Yoga, Medical and Scientific Conferences, Seminars and meetings held all over India and was in great demand as a speaker because of his immense charismatic vitality. Known as the "Lion of Pondicherry" he was a great example of an ancient Yoga Rishi (Seer). Majestic in bearing and manner, with luxurious flowing beard and hair, and a magnificent, booming, powerful voice, Swamiji's dynamic personality captured the hearts of people wherever he went.Pujya Swamiji was Patron and President of scores of Yoga and Scientific Organisations world wide.
Notably, he was Patron of the Indian Academy of Yoga with headquarters at the famous Banaras Hindu University. This is an organisation of eminent Yogis, professional men, scientists and doctors interested in Yoga. He was President of Vishwa Yoga Samaj, a World Wide Organisation of Yogis, and Vice President of the All India Association of Madathiapathis. He was also the Governor-General for Yoga (1992-1995) in the World Development Parliament (Vishwa Unnayan Samsad) with headquarters in West Bengal, India. He trained thousands of students in Rishiculture Ashtanga (Gitananda) Yoga. His students have established more than 135 centres of Yoga in 23 countries around the world.
He received many honours in his lifetime. He was chosen by the Ministry of Health, Government of India, New Delhi, as a Governing Body Member of the prestigious Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy in March 1986 and he held this post till his Mahasamadhi in 1993. He was awarded "YOGA SHIROMANI" by the then President of India Sri Zail Singh at the World Yoga Conference held at the Asian Village, New Delhi in December 1986. The Vishwa Unnyayan Samsad at Calcutta honoured him in 1987 with the title "Father of Modern Yoga Science". Puija Swamiji had himself organised five World Conferences in Pondicherry, attended by hundreds of professional persons and Yogis from all over the world. He sponsored the First International Yoga Asana Competition in Pondicherry in 1989. Since that time an International Yoga Competition has been held nearly every year in various places in South America, India and Europe. He was one of the driving forces behind yoga Sports. In this regards he is considered the Founding Father of the "Yoga Sport" Movement.
Due to his inspiration and support, the Government of Pondicherry instituted an annual International Yoga Festival from January 1993 in Pondicherry, which feature lectures by eminent speakers, Yoga Asana Competitions, and Yogic cultural programmes etc. Due to his influence, the Government of Pondicherry has also instituted Yoga teaching in all Government schools from 1997.Pujya Swamiji collaborated with many films makers in making educational films on yoga including the famous film MUDRA by Rajiv Mehrotra. He also was the guiding spirit behind the immensely popular television series YOGA FOR YOUTH, directed by Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani which has been broadcast for several years from 1989 over Doordarshan, India's national television network. Swamiji was a great scientist and researcher and presented more than thirty papers on his scientific research into Yoga at various Conferences throughout India. He collaborated with scientists from leading institutes throughout the country including AIIMS in New Delhi, NIMHANS in Bangalore, DIPAS (Indian Defense Institute) in New Delhi and JIPMER in Pondicherry.
Swamiji entered Mahasamadhi on the auspicious day of Arudra Darshan on Wednesday, December 29, 1993 at 2.20 a.m. He was placed into Samadhi by his son and successor, Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani with all honours due to a Madathiapathy of his status in Sri Kambliswamy Madam at Thattanchavady, Pondicherry on December 30, 1993. His Samadhi has become a famous pilgrimage place for all those seeking the blessings of this great modern Yogamaharishi, who embodied so well the spirit of the acient Hindu sages in a modern twenthieth century body and mind.(The Biography of Yogamaharishi Yogashiromani Dr Swami Gitananda Giri Maharaj has been drawn from the booklet "Swami Gitananda best Youth & Best Child Awards 2002", Pondicherry Yogasana Association).
*Return to Nature *Food is Medicine *Water is Life *Eat less live long *Nature is the best Healer *Beauty is the agreement of all parts to a pleasing whole-Pythagoras
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