Sunday, April 12, 2015

Growth of Spa Industry and fate of Qualified Naturopaths.
Growth of Spa Industry and fate of Qualified Naturopaths.

Certainly we are on the path of Progress; Naturopathy and Yogic Medicine is getting Popular worldwide in form of varied Spa treatment modalities. Specially in Western World Yoga and Natural Medicine are being recognised as two wheels of "The Health Chariot ". Naturopathy Community has faced a tough situation during its evolutionary phase of development and propagation but this is no longer an issue,and moreover its roots are finding its easy way to the vicious cycle of cause of disease and its treatment. Initially for traditional Naturopaths Spa Industry was totally a concept of luxury but now its flourishing as Preventive Medicine(fist line of health). Acupunture, Iridology, Reflexology, Hydrotherapy,Manipulative therapy,Yoga are the most functional therapies here.I heartly welcome all Naturopaths at this juncture of the revolutionary phase of development of the system to establish themselves and dedicate their being so that we can move to next phase of" Progressive Ideas" to recognise the potential of the system and bring up Naturopathy entirely as a Scientific Medicine.
Progressive Ideas includes :--

1. To Standardise the syllabus.Publish standard textbooks at the earliest.
2. To  organize Nationwide Padyatras and Naturopathy awareness camps.
3. To convince Beaurocrates, Politicians to open up the channels and guide to develop the extravagant system of medicine"Natural medicine"(Naturopathy and yoga).

With Revolutionary salute.
Dr. Bhaskar k Singh.

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